Ho! Ho! HOLY that's cold! Montreal boogie boarder in Santa suit hits St. Lawrence waters
Canadian Press photographer Bernard Brault captured some eye-catching images on the day.
Carlos Hebert-Plante, a dedicated boogie boarder, defied the cold once again by plunging into the St. Lawrence River on Christmas Day.
Wearing a Santa Claus suit, Hebert-Plante took to the icy waters in Montreal's Lachine borough, where temperatures hovered around -15 degrees Celsius.
"I surfed all year, every day," he shared. "Conditions cold or hot, I surf all kinds. [It was] fun today."
A Canadian Press photographer captured striking images of the event, showcasing Hebert-Plante braving the extreme cold. He explained that he often ventures out early with a friend to capture the fog and sunrise, utilizing a drone to document the scene.
Equipped with an arctic wetsuit, Hebert-Plante frequents the standing wave near downtown Montreal, a favored spot for surfers. Despite the challenges, he expressed his fondness for winter surfing: "Cold gives me smiles that hot does not, and snowy waters make a snow parc fun."